Privacy Policy

On this page you can read how we are collecting and processing data which you leave on the website, as well as protecting your data which prevents possible damage connecting with privacy of users. Leaving personal information means that you are reading privacy policy and accepting its conditions. 

Which data we collect?

This website can collect personal data which the user leaves in registration form. Also, the website collects data about: IP address, date and time and name of loading page, ID sesion, Referrer URL (website from which this website is loaded), quantity of transfer data, browser name, operating system and internet provider.

Collecting and protecting data

Collection of data is using for:

  • Reply on your questions
  • Improvement your user experience on website
  • Following visiting website
  • Sending your requests to user service and support

Collection of data Sekulic Distillery is processing and storing. But Sekulic Distillery doesn’t assign, share or show personal data to third parties. Besides, Sekulic Distillery provides protecting data which disable the possibility of illegal access, changing, showing or destroying personal data on the website.

If you wish, according to GDPR regulations, you can see in which time your data is entered in the database. Also, you can request us to delete that data from the database.


When you visit a website, your computer is saving cookies. Cookie is a small text file which provides web analytics services (in this case, Google Analytics) identification of users. When you visit a website for the first time, the browser downloads a file on each user’s computer. Each next time when the user visits the site, the cookie has ready information which is sent back to that page (First Party Cookie) or some other page which belongs (Third Party Cookie). In that way, the page is informed that it has already opened on that device and, in some cases, show different content than before.

The biggest part of cookies is deleted automatically from the user’s device at the end of site viewing (“Session cookies”). Other cookies stay saved after stopping session. These services collect data about usage of the website only if you wish, but they don’t contain your personal information and there isn’t any possibility to identify users using them.

There is a possibility to disable cookies and remove visiting of the website in the browser. If you disable cookies, it doesn’t have an effect on your user experience on the website. More information about Google Cookie privacy. For more information about cookie usage by Google Analytics, look at this link.